How to... care for safety gloves | Direct Corporate Clothing

How to... care for safety gloves

Here at DCC we take pride in offering some of the best PPE in the country. We work with the UK’s top suppliers and want to make sure that you and your employees stay safe at work.

Safety gloves are a large part of our offering, from bio-degradable disposable gloves to high-level cut-resistant gloves and more. In order to keep you protected you will also need to know how to care for and maintain your safety gloves.

Directly from one of our suppliers, Uvex, we share with you top tips on caring for your safety gloves.

1. Check for damage. Do not wear damaged gloves.

2. Check the size.

3. Remove gloves by pulling them inside out from the wrist to keep any contaminant contained

4. Wash hands thoroughly.

5. Put a fresh (or washed) pair of gloves on each time.

6. Discard or store appropriately.

7. Wash the gloves at the end of the day and allow to air dry.

8. Wash and sanitise hands after handling soiled gloves.

If you would like to find out more about our glove range please get in touch with us using the form below and we would be happy to discuss your requirements.