Direct Corporate Clothing become members of the National Hard Hat Recycling Scheme | Direct Corporate Clothing

Direct Corporate Clothing become members of the National Hard Hat Recycling Scheme

Each year, workplaces across the UK dispose of millions of hard hats. The majority of these get thrown into general waste and the chance of these hard hats then being recycled is very little. This is why DCC supports the national hard hat recycling scheme and its mission to reduce recyclable waste going to landfill.

What is the scheme?

The National Hard Hat Recycling Scheme is a membership scheme whereby you pay a yearly joining fee (based on the number of employees) to recycle your end-of-life hard hats. The hard hats are shredded and made into plastic pellets to be used in the UK for manufacturing as a raw material.

Please remember, this scheme is for hard hat recycling only.

How does it work?

It’s quick and simple. Once you’ve become a member, you will be able to send all end-of-life hard hats to a specialist UK plastic recycling company called Yes Recycling.

You can send 1 or 1000 hard hats into the scheme. Either send them through your local post office or arrange to drop off a lorry load. We would suggest that you collect them throughout the year and then book in to deliver them all at once therefore reducing your impact on the environment.

The hard hats are then shredded into 10mmm flakes, these flakes get separated into their constituent polymer elements, washed, dried and then melted down and filtered. Polymer pellets are created from this process and then used as a raw material in the manufacturing of plastics items, therefore recycling end-of-life hard hats.

You will receive a receipt of waste when Yes Recycling has processed the hard hats. This is your proof that the hard hats have been disposed of in an eco-friendly manner.

How to join?

All you need to do is follow this link, download the membership form and pay the small annual membership fee to cover the costs of the recycling process. After that, you don’t pay anything more than delivery of the hard hats to Yes Recycling.

This is a great scheme to be a part of, ensuring that your end-of-life hard hats are disposed of in an eco-friendly and appropriate way.

If you are interested in becoming part of the scheme go to

Get in touch with us using the form below.